You will never win until you start realizing the importance of reviewing your implementation and its progress on a regular basis”

This digital marketing monthly report is built by Kandra Digital to help digital marketers and to simplify the tracking month on month.

This report includes tracking of SEO metrics, Social Media Metrics, Paid Marketing metrics, Off-page metrics, referral traffic metrics, Blog Metrics and Marketing spend.

Start Tracking Your Marketing Performance

You can download this report by following the below steps:

  1. Find the section “File” on the left top of the report view
  2. Click on it and then find “Download as”
  3. Hover your cursor on “Download as” and then download the format needed.
  4. Alternatively to the right corner you can click on sign in and access this and you can make a copy of it and start using it.
  5. If you are already signed in your browser you will find drive icon on mid-top of the report and you can click on it to add it to your drive and duplicate it or download it and start using it.

Download It For Free

The Digital Marketing Report Templates

The spreadsheet serves the purpose if you are looking for,

  • Social media marketing report template
  • Marketing budget reporting template
  • SEO performance report template
  • paid marketing/Google Adwords template

Monthly reporting for digital marketing teams is one such which helps them to realize the important implementations, loopholes in the implementation, the outcome of the implementations and barriers in achieving the implementations.

It’s been observed that people who put a certain amount of time in monthly or bi-monthly reports have better implementations planned around and highest success rate.

Monthly reporting is very much needed for digital marketing professionals, even in case if the digital marketing professionals are not putting the time in this at least the business owners have to consider going through such reports.

The article is been written to help the digital marketers, the article includes a detailed explanation of the following topics,

  • Objectives or necessity of monthly reporting

  • Type of slides or information to be added to the presentation

  • Slides about the individual channels

  • Instructions for building the digital marketing report templat

Why Monthly Reports/ Objective:

  • Quick and easy summarization of the work done, progress achieved or measure against your objectives/targets and hurdles
  • For complete view and understanding of the account at different levels
  • To summarize and interpret the large sets of data and henceforth the marketing plans/decisions will be based out of this
  • To understand the progress and regression of the account, implementations and more
  • To showcase your achievements
  • To maintain track of data

Slides To Have Compulsorily:

  • Overview- Has to hold the key/important information. Which is usually a summary of the whole presentation, the highlights and low lights of the month
  • Key Points- Understand what is key information based on client requirement and the type of service you are providing
    • The clients you deal would be concerned about the sales and leads and hence try to have those details first, pitch it considering the channel you deal
    • To highlight the performance of the channels you deal you can always include the comparison details such as Comparison with other channels.
    • Have trends details if required, let’s say the trend in sales of recent 6 months or 12 months, whichever helps to highlight the performance over a period of time.
    • Then try to present the key metrics in multiple dimensions considering the category, location, any groups you prefer, e.g.: Revenue buckets- High, medium, low etc.
    • The same has to follow for the leads and Visitors as well.
  • Have slides about SEO progress:
  • Key metrics in SEO:
    • Keyword SERP- Keyword count, Improvement in SERP avg position
    • Impressions and CTR- Any improvement observed has to be highlighted
    • Crawl stats, Index count- If prominent changes are observed you can include this.
    • Other metrics like- Alexa, Spyfu, DA etc. have to be included
    • The above all can be again measured by region, category, pattern and more.
    • The impact of any implementation observed has to be presented.

    Note: Try to relate the observed changes with the implementation done during the month or previous or in any recent times, So that the results will be more appealing to the client.

    • Progress on other channels/Work type:
      • If you have worked on YouTube, Facebook or any social media and on external websites like coupon websites, directories etc. you can have the details of the same.
    • Last set of slides:
      • Talk about the major issues hampering the progress or targets you are supposed to reach.
      • Suggest new implementation if you think they can help drive traffic, leads, payments, overall SEO or any kind of advantage. Eg: Adding the mentions on all pages as “listed on Huffington” etc., this helps in conversion rates.
      • Update on the previous month plan/Implementation status- Basically, this tells what all you have done for the month to see the progress.
      • Update the current month plan- Things that you are going to do for the month, which is again based on some objectives like, to reach “X” traffic, to improve conversion rate etc.

Instructions for building the digital marketing report template

  • Pick a template and the same have to be used always for that account, you shouldn’t change it every time.
  • Use master slide option and insert the common images such as client logo
  • Use the same fonts and formats across the presentation
  • Maintain the same theme and fonts on all slides
  • Have the appropriate naming for the slides
  • There should be a take away from each of the slides you put
  • Maintain the same order and colors for the graphs you present e.g.: Blue color for the current month in one slide and the other slide will have a red color for the current month, which should not happen.
  • Try to update the appropriate screenshots and links if required
  • Scale/Size the graphs properly on all the slides
  • The positive things on the slides have to be highlighted either by color or by font style/size
  • The tables have to be formatted properly
  • Do not write lengthy text on slides, just revenue increased by 10% is enough instead of telling we have seen revenue going up by 10% for the month of May.
  • Maintain the same theme always ( During mid-month and monthly reports throughout the incumbency)
  • Your reports have to be data rich, that’s what makes the client happy and satisfies you as well.
  • Before sending the reports to make sure you have gone through all the details and are correct
  • Be prepared to present the same to the client or management, and should be able to address all their doubts or questions.

Remember: The presentation you prepare conveys your performance/potential, so please make sure it builds all the fame and credibility to you when you work on the presentation.

The above reporting format is great if you are sending or presenting it to the business owners, if in case if it is for marketing heads make sure that they would expect a lot of numbers and a very detailed explanation on every single detail they see on the presentation or report, they get into the implementations depth and also test your knowledge about the domain.

You might also need certain kinds of skills if you have to come up with a great report,

  • You should be good at numbers, make sure you are analytically strong
  • You should be good at analysis and interpretation of the data
  • You should be logically sound in order to come up with a valid explanation for every question that you are going to experience
  • Your written communication should be good
  • You should be confident and oral communication should be good

Manjunath Chowdary

Digital Marketing Expert, consultant, Mentor and
Director of KandraDigital Marketing
Solutions Pvt Ltd.

-Kandra Digital

An agency that’s been built with the core purpose of delivering the quality digital marketing in the era where Digital marketing services are just business rather than the value for the business, business owners and their resources/time.

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