Wordpress is basically a platform/software that,

  1. Allows you to manage the front end/content of the website

  2. Allows you to install various plugins needed to build functionality both in the front end and in the backend

  3. Allows you to install the themes that's needed to build the website layout/design

Wordpress is a backed for your website. This is for free, you don’t have to purchase it.

  • The software is named as content management system.

  • This is free software any software that's available for free and is usually built by a community or contributed by a group of people and made available to the public is called an open-source platform/software.

Building websites without writing HTML, CSS, JS, and Without knowing any programming language- A Wordpress website!

Steps to be followed in building the website on a wordpress platform.

There are freely available open source content management systems such as wordpress, Joomla, etc

These are the applications that can be downloaded onto your server, configured with your website, and can be put to use to build the website. The application has all the features needed to get started in building the website.

Following the below steps in setting up the website on Wordpress,

  1. Add the domain for use on your hosting server

  1. Most of the cpanels will have the applications made available on the cpanel interface, you just have to download them into the respective folder where your website is created

    1. The database will also be automatically created

    2. This wordpress application will have the configuration and .htaccess file installed automatically

    3. During installation provide the basic details about your website such as the business name, tagline

    4. Create the user name and password as well in this stage

    5. In this stage, a default website theme will be created or installed.

  1. You can take control of the website

    1. You can change the theme

    2. You can edit the web pages

    3. You can build new pages for your website and put them to use

    4. You can publish the blog posts

    5. You can add any new features needed by installing the respective application (Usually called as plugins)

The default themes and the apps/plugins will give you a limited control, hence you will be needing the advanced and subscriptions to the better themes and apps.

  1. Installing the Theme that suits your requirements


A theme is a prebuilt Readymade HTML website template/front end of the website that can be installed as a package and can be configured with the website.

There are many ready made themes made available on the internet

Themeforest.net is the most popular platforms to browse the themes of your choice, based on the business category and various other details as you decide.

There are various sources for the free themes, but then you may not get all the features needed.

Adding new theme

  1. Under the themes section just click on add new, you will be taken to a section where you can browse a few tens of templates/themes that can be installed.

  2. Just click on install and you can find them under the library to use them.

  3. The themes installed from this section are the promotional efforts of the respective theme sellers/builders and you may not find all the options to build it the way you want. In order to get all the features you will have to purchase or subscribe to those themes.

  4. You can also build a theme of your own and upload it if you are a wordpress theme builder or you can purchase the themes already built by other wordpress developers on the market places such as Themeforest.

It's not compulsory to buy an advanced/fancy theme, as you can use any simple default theme of wordpress and you can start building your own website by using one of the webpage builders such as WP Bakery, Elementor, Page builder etc.


  1. Plugins are the pieces of code packaged in order to create a specific functionality either in the front end or Backend or both.  These plugins can be downloaded from the plugins section of the wordpress website or from the respective plugin developer websites.

  2. These plugins will be written in a programming language same as that of the Wordpress programming language in order to make it compatible with wordpress platforms

  3. The programming language is PHP for wordpress and the Plugins.

Alternatively, these plugins can be downloaded from the respective developer websites.

Publishing the blog posts

Blog posts are informative and well-researched articles about any topic taken, usually developed anywhere between 800- 3000 Words or words are never a constraint and it's all about relevancy, right, and necessary information for the reader or the end user.

For example, a topic can be as follows:

  • How to build a website

  • Which are the best digital marketing platforms

  • Do’s and don’ts in writing the blog post

What is needed to develop the blog post/content?

  • You need thorough knowledge/understanding about the topic you want to write on your blog

  • You should possess good research skills

  • You need to have a command over language and writing skills


The wordpress will have an advanced  module or section for you to publish the blog posts.

Wordpress is basically like your brand new Android phone that allows you to download any application/plugins as per your need and you can make it a powerful platform.

For example, you can download a flight booking or food ordering app or any other and the phone is very powerful to perform the respective actions, the same way you can install any plugin of your choice based on your needs.


Wordpress is an amazing platform, the most popular platform where more than 60% of the websites on the internet are still using wordpress. Wordpress is a powerful CMS that allows you to build any kind of website such as e-commerce, ticketing, directory, news, etc. You just have to explore or learn all the options to build the website of your choice.

If you are planning to learn wordpess you can consider learning wordpress from LearnNthive Institute- An institute for its expert mentoring on wordpress.


Manjunath Chowdary

Digital Marketing Expert, consultant, Mentor and
Director of KandraDigital Marketing
Solutions Pvt Ltd.

-Kandra Digital

An agency that’s been built with the core purpose of delivering the quality digital marketing in the era where Digital marketing services are just business rather than the value for the business, business owners and their resources/time.

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