If you are looking to start blogging here are details that you need to consider.

Blogging is a passion. But for most marketers blogging is a business today. Gone are those days, when people use to write in their personal journal about the things they like (what they did in a day, fashion, hobbies, any piece of information). As the users of the internet have expanded, bloggers have found opportunities to make passion a living.

But there are a few important things to consider and know why you should choose an online platform for your interests. This can be done by contributing to other websites or creating a website of your own.

Firstly, understand Why is blogging important for a website?

  • The blog acts as a repository for readers. (serves informational to the people)
  • Helps in building brand/product awareness.
  • It is one of the most important SEO activities that help in driving organic traffic to the website.
  • Useful in promotional activities of a company/ business
  • Helps us convert cold leads to warm leads
  • Improves user metrics of the website
  • Improves engagement and acts as a ranking factor
  • It builds trust between the customer and the business (it shows ur expertise in the field of your business)
  • Improving Your Social Media Search Results
  • Shows that your website is up-to-date. (Both for search engines and the customers)
  • Helps in understand the customer behavior, interests, and preferences. (conduct surveys, understanding what type of content users are engaging and implement those in our business)
  • Helps in getting customer details (subscription for blogs)
  • Beneficial for e-mail marketing which in turn builds a long-term relationship with the customers.


  • A new section should be created on the website
  • Content management system (backend)
  • New page layout design (comprises of UI and UX elements)
  • Content writers and people to proofread
  • Topic research
  • Backlink builders

Activities to be performed:

  • Do complete research on what topics can be covered in blogs: (1. Trending topics 2.Seo keyword targeted content)
  • Perform keyword research
  • Create TOC for articles. (Body/structure of the articles)
  • Outsource the content to the content writers
  • Build them in such a way that the article serves both the purposes i.e Search engines and the Audience.
  • Publish the optimized content with (Titles, meta information, headings etc)
  • Build backlinks for the articles
  • Promote published blogs on different platforms
  • Keep a track of the rankings and the performance of the articles
  • For already published blogs, it can be revamped considering the above points.

Points to consider while publishing an article:

  • Proofread the article to eliminate any grammatical errors and also review the technical aspects to see if the article is ready to convey what the readers are looking out for.
  • The article should be relevant to the title and try covering every bit of information you can on the subject
  • Write the title and descriptions that creates an urge for the audience to open the article. It helps with the CTR (click through rate) which inturn helps in the better ranking of the articles
  • Maintain a uniformity with the title case. You can always make use of some tools like titlecase.com, titlecaseconverter.com etc which will make the work easy for you.
  • Make sure that the article does not contain text continuously, always note that people who land on your page might be looking for a piece of particular information which is covered in your articles. You are failing to convey the information with your presentation, hence include headings and sub-headings for paragraphs. This will help the reader skim through the article and find the specific piece of content
  • To reduce bounce rate and make the user stay longer on the article include images,giphy, tweets, videos that are relevant to the article.
  • Adjust spacing between paragraphs for better readability
  • Add elements like no.of views and no.of likes that adds credibility to each article page.
  • Add meta tags optimized with keywords for search engines to understand the topics covered in your blog.
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Manjunath Chowdary

Digital Marketing Consultant

-Kandra Digital

An agency that’s been built with the core purpose of delivering the quality digital marketing in the era where Digital marketing services are just business rather than the value for the business, business owners and their resources/time.

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